| About me | | Papers | | Teaching (in polish) | | Education and work experience | | Conferences |

My name is Tomasz Greczyło and I am employed at the Institute of Experimental Physics at Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wrocław (Poland) on the adiunct position. I work in the Division of Physics Teaching which is of didactic character. Its aims are: creation of physics teaching standards, education of students - prospective teachers - in pedagogical and didactic subjects, as well as in-service training of active teachers. My main interest is devoted to a use of multimedia in physics teaching and learning.

I used to work part time at University of Lower Silesia as a manager in the project School of Key Competences where I cooperated with a group of science and mathematics teachers. I was a leader of work groups (packages) in two Leonardo da Vinci European Projects - MOSEM and MOSEM2.

I currently act as Dean's proxy for cooperation with secondary schools and head of the division "WROFIZ". I am responsible for collaboration with schools and popularization of physics.

I have graduated from the same Faculty in 2001 and completed studies as a master of physics. I have specialized in two subjects - physics teaching and experimental physics.

In 2001-2006 I was a student of PhD studies at the same Faculty I graduated from. As a PhD student I was interested mainly in computer aided physics teaching at a university level from experimental and didactical points of view. My main interests in research work for a doctor degree were devoted to reorganization of Physics Laboratory II (for advanced students) in the Institute of Experimental Physics. I tried to put in to life the idea of including multimedia in teaching process in the laboratory. The PhD thesis was prepared under prof. Ewa Dębowska supervision.

From 2003 to 2008 I also worked part-time as a teacher at gymnasium which was a life experience giving a lot of opportunities to test knowledge and skill in real school situations. Now I only have some workshops with students of Wrocław's lyceums.

I am a happy husband of Jola and a proud father of Richard and Elizabeth.

In the section Papers one can find my main publications when under Teaching information for students are placed.

| Addresses |

University of Wrocław
Institute of Experimental Physics
pl. M. Borna 9
50-204 Wrocław
Room no.: 121